Okay let's be upfront and honest (as hard as it is to say it) - Spurs deserved a point, maybe more, on Saturday. They certainly played the better football until we finally decided to bring on pace & power in Henry, Cesc & Eboué. Eboué has been a revelation since the ANC - returning with confidence and willingness to drive forward as well as the pace to be a sturdy right back.
As much as we all love and respect Arsene Wenger and as much as we hate all things Spud related I'm not convinced on this "they should have kicked the ball out" argument. At the time when passions are high I shouted "cheat" as much as the next man but Arsenal players stopped and didn't react to the situation. Considering how upset Freddie was on kicking the ball out against the Spanish cheats last week perhaps we need to rethink all this "honour" bollocks.
So the dream of winning the CL and taking 4th may now be our only option - even if Spurs drop points to Bolton or West Ham I'm not expecting us to win our last three games, especially if we get to the CL final. Let's face it this may never happen again so let's concentrate on Tuesday and worry about qualification or not later on.